Meet our team
The team at Guildford Orthodontics offered world-class orthodontic treatment at affordable prices. We are passionate about putting a smile on your face and use our expertise and experience to make your treatment as enjoyable and efficient as possible.
Here is the talented team who will help to transform the smile of you or your loved one in Guildford.

Dr. Amal Maizar
Principal Specialist Orthodontist
DDS (Damas) 1992, MFDS RCSI, MSc(Lond), MOrthRCSEng 2008
GDC No: 100610
After qualifying from Damascus University in 1992, Dr Amal Maizar continued her education and ...
Dr. Rachel Hodgson
Specialist Orthodontist
BDS (Guys) 1989 MSc MOrth(Edin) 1998
GDC No: 65005
Dr Rachel Hodgson began postgraduate specialist orthodontic training at Guy’s Hospital i...
Dr. Oana Chirila
Specialist Orthodontist
DMD (Bucharest), PhD (Bucharest), MSc Aligner Orthodontics (Turin)
GDC No: 276880
Dr. Oana joined Guildford Orthodontics in 2018. She qualified as a dentist in 2012 from the Un...
Dr. Gareth Williams
Specialist Orthodontist
BDS, MJDF RCS (Eng), Dip Clin Hyp, MOrth RCS (Ed), DDSc (Orthodontics)
GDC No: 85271
Gareth completed his first degree in dentistry in 2005 at the University Of Wales College Of M...
Dr Pam Thakral
Specialist Orthodontist
Pam graduated from King’s College Hospital, London and then worked as a Registrar in Ora...
DetailsOrthodontic Therapists

Bahareh Ghorabi
Orthodontic Therapist
Originally studying for a Degree in Business Management,Bahareh, began her nursing career in 2...
Ella Nabidariani
Orthodontic Therapist
GDC No: 225938
Ella started her journey in dentistry since 2009 as a dental nurse. Since then she expanded he...
Christina Jones
Orthodontic Therapist
Christina started working in dentistry in 2002 and has experience in general dentistry, endodo...
Simone Oldham
Orthodontic Therapist
Simone started her career as a dental nurse in 2006. Simone obtained qualifications in dental ...
Kasha Baran
Orthodontic Therapist
Kasha studied Orthodontic Therapy at University of Bristol and successively qualified from The...